
Self Centric Society

People are becoming  self centered now, they want to help but there is  some force that is dragging them behind from any charity work it’s not like that they are completely wrong they might be candid in themselves, it depends on the preferences you make in life if anything that goes out of it then we need to make a choice and that choice is always a tough one it’s for something which was not at all in the preferences list and this is very common when you are living in the city like Delhi to go out of the box lose your metro to take a blind man to the exit gate from platform I have one incident to share and my aim is not to motivate the society to do charity because our society is already motivated but they have a fear inside that if something goes wrong or this might be the last metro then how will I reach home or the next metro might be late here I just wanted to express my experience where I was forced to believe that we are more of show off as from  inside we are socially ill.

It was Friday night my friends planned a dinner at Karim’s we were all set to go but then it was Ramjan so they serve dinner after 08:00PM so we planned to go after that as there is no use of getting everything packed and take that back home, we reached at around 09:00 PM and it was crowded as usual but we managed to get a table finally we are done in an hour and headed towards the metro and the nearest one we found was New Delhi  metro station we punched in and as it was late in the night so the train were not so frequent and as it was showing that the next available train will arrive in 13 minutes we were all quite exhausted so we sat down on the stairs and waited patiently for it. Now the train arrives and as it was crowded people were very anxious in boarding the train and the metro was full and we were all carried away with the crowd to some part of the train but then when I turned back I saw someone standing on the platform with a stick in his hand not that old but seems to be a middle aged person standing there and wondering where to go I quickly recognized that the guy was blind and confused with the path I tried ignoring him because I know if I let this train go then I have to wait for another 30 minutes to get the other one and the other thing was all my friends were already boarded so I gave a last look at that guy he was still standing there moving his stick to find a proper path but this time I couldn’t stop myself I left the train and approached him for the help, while crossing the compartments there were people standing and urging me to help him instead of coming out and doing there bit  as they know if they did so they will miss the train and this is the reason I say people are self centered now they want to help but not on the virtue of their loss, eventually I took that guy to exit gates he was willing to go to the railway station and I waited for another 20 more minutes for the next metro till that time my friends already reached the destination. If I have to put it into a simple word our society is now believes in ignoring rather than jumping into the issue and helping the way out.

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